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Halo Headquarters

M9 HE-DP Frag Grenade
M6D Pistol
MA5B Assault Rifle
M90 Shotgun
S2 AM Sniper Rifle
M19 SSM Rocket Launcher
M7057 Flamethrower
Plasma Rifle
Plasma Pistol
Plasma Grenade
Fuel Rod Cannon





















M9 HE-DP Fragmentational Grenade

M9 HE-DP Fragmentation Grenade

Effective Radius: 15-30 ft.

The M9 Frag grenade is the standard issue explosive device distrubuted among the UNSC ground forces.

M6D Pistol

M6D Pistol

Clip Size: 12 rounds

Standard Issue sidearm for all UNSC personnel very reliable with a 2 x scope attached.

MA5B Assault Rifle

MA5B Assault Rifle

Clip Size: 32 7.62mm AP rounds

Gas-operated and magazine fed, the only thing restricting this weapon's rate of fire is the soldier's reloading speed.

M90 Shotgun

Clip Size: 12 rounds

This weapon is an 8 gauge magnum round pump-action shotgun capable of eliminating almost any target at close range.

S2 AM Sniper Rifle

Clip Size: 4 rounds

The S2 Sniper Rifle is an Anti-Material weapon capable of piercing nearly any armor and will continue to fly through it's target, so be careful of what's on the other side when you fire it.

M19 SSM Rocket Launcher "SPNKR"

Clip Size: 2 rockets

The M19 Rocket Launcher is quite easily the most lethal weapon in the UNSC infantry arsenal. The rocket launcher fires two 102mm shaped-charge, high-explosive rockets. The rocket launcher also features a 2x scope for semi-sniping capability, providing your enemy is deaf.

M7057 Defoliant Flamethrower
(PC Only)

The M7057 is a great assault weapon but should only be used in open spaces, never indoors if it can be avoided. The only drawback is the tendency to overheat quickly, it does however have a cooling system that cools it down in approx. 5 seconds for maximum use.

Plasma Rifle

Rate of Fire: 420-600 rounds/minute

The Plasma Rifle is the Covenant standard issue weapon, and is almost exclusive to the Elites. the only drawback to this weapons automatic fire mode is the tendency to overheat quickly causing minor plasma burns.

Plasma Pistol

Rate of Fire: Semi-Auto or single Overcharged shot

If your enemy is not not using a Plasma Rifle he is porbably using a plasma pistol. This is the weapon used by nearly all Grunts and Jackals in the Covenant forces.


Clip Size: 30 Semi-homing needles
Rate of Fire: Fully Automatic

The projectiles fired from the needler will embed themselves in any soft surfaces. The source of their homing capability is still unknown.

Plasma Grenade

Fuse: 3 Seconds
Radius: 30 feet

The plasma grenade is a very mysterious and unique addition in the Covenant arsenal in the fact that it doesn't behave like a regular grenade. It has a special ability which allows it to distinguish between terrain and enemy threats such as infantry and vehicles. When it hits an enemy it somehow "sticks" itself to the surface giving it the familiar "sticky" designation.

Fuel Rod Cannon
(PC Only)

Clip Size: 5 Radioactive Fuel Rod Projectiles

The fuel Rod Cannon is the Covenant equivalent of a Rocket Launcher. The source of the ammunition is unknown, and the effects of prolonged exposure are still not clear.